COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Resources

There are many things that are uncertain at this time, and uncertainty can lead to a variety of emotions from fear to sadness to frustration. While we are experiencing this novel coronavirus, it is important to recognize our emotions and focus on things in our lives that we can control. Knowing we have some control and resources will help to ease our strong feelings. The internet is a vast source of information that can make finding the resources we want and need during this time overwhelming. 

Below are compiled resources we feel are beneficial. Families can spend their time reading, talking, and exploring together, rather than searching through the overwhelming amounts of resources available. We hope these resources provide your family with some comfort during this uncertain time. 

For Kids

The Coronavirus Free Printable

A social story about what the coronavirus is for all ages.

Coronavirus: A Bood for Children

A story for upper elementary and older aged individuals to learn more specifics on what it is, how it is transmitted, what they can do, why things are closed, and validating how they may feel. 

For Parents

How to Talk to Your Kids About Coronavirus Video

More videos available at the bottom of the page as well. 

How You and Your Kids can De-Stress During Coronavirus

A nice article to read, along with videos to watch with your kids at the bottom of the page. 

For Families

Cosmic Kids Yoga

A fun way to shift focus to movement and breathing. There are a lot of fun videos to choose from and do together as a family when needing a break. 

How You and Your Kids can De-Stress During Coronavirus

A nice article to read, along with videos to watch with your kids at the bottom of the page. 

Support Tips


Develop a New Routine


Create Visual Schedules

Create a visual schedule using pictures online or drawing them by hand. Your child may like to may this schedule with you and draw their own pictures.


Separate Spaces in Your Home

Create spaces in your home specific for certain tasks such as a homework space, play area, reading spot, etc. This will help your child associate each space with a task and better get their brains and bodies ready for work, sleep, or play.


Make Sure to Move

Incorporate times for movement throughout the day and, if possible and safe, spend some time outside.


Ask for Help

Reach out to the professionals in your life with any questions or requests for support. We are here and wanting to help. 


Make Time for Your Overall Health

To maintain positive overall health, make time for activities that keep your body, your mind, and social connections intact. Take care of your body with movement, consistent sleep schedules, and healthy foods. Take care of your mind by reading, doing puzzles, playing board games, coloring, or playing. Take care of your social life through video chats, texts, and calls to family or friends.