EIDBI Services

Our EIDBI services utilize DIRFloortime to highlight the power of relationships and emotional connections to fuel development, so individuals can reach their fullest potential. 

EIDBI Services

What is EIDBI?

EIDBI stands for Early Intensive Developmental and Behavioral Intervention. The interventions provided are a medical benefit covered by Minnesota Medical Assistance. These services are provided to children, ages 0-21, with Autism Spectrum Disorder and related conditions, as well as their families. They are intensive skill-based services that are based on proven methods along with the values, culture, and preferences of the individual and family. 

The Minnesota Department of Human Services approved of five modalities for EIDBI services. These modalities are: Applied Behavior Analysis, DIRFloortime, PLAY Project, Relationship Development Intervention, and Early Start Denver Model. Click here to learn more about the approved modalities

Empowering Kids will utilize the DIRFloortime modality for our EIDBI services. 

EIDBI Services

Why DIR Floortime?

Empowering Kids was created as a non-profit, offering social-recreational services before we offered EIDBI services. When deciding which of the five support service models we wanted to use, we researched them all. We looked at each model and how they fit with our mission, vision, and ideals for services.

We knew we wanted a model that prioritized relationships, because they are the foundation for safe and supported growth and development. We believe that we are partners with our clients and their families in our services and we knew the model should reflect that as well. Finally we wanted to make sure that any model we chose could be used in a way that was respectful of the client’s individuality. It needed to support them to be their wonderfully, unique neurodivergent selves and not only survive but thrive while navigating a neurotypical world that was not made for how their brain works.

Through our search, we realized DIRFloortime fit this criteria and we are excited to offer this unique support model to our community.

Please Note:

Our early intervention services are available to all children with developmental challenges through the age of six at which point children are required to have a primary diagnosis of autism or ADHD to continue receiving services at Empowering Kids.

Our Interventions

Understanding DIR

DIR helps build healthy foundations for social, emotional, and intellectual capacities rather than focusing exclusively on skills and isolated behaviors. 

The DIR framework focuses on: Development, Individual-differences, and Relationships. Every person is different in how they grow, learn, interact with and experience the world around them creating an individual profile that is as unique as a fingerprint. Working with that profile instead of against it, in a relationship that is meaningful and collaborative that meets a person where they are at, is how a DIR provider partners with a person to support their development. Using DIR as the base, we create a pathway that builds connections, understanding, love, communication, and engagement to support individuals in creating a happy and fulfilled life as defined by them.

DIRFloortime® is the application of the DIR framework in practice. It is how a provider integrates the “D,” “I,” and “R” to both follow the child’s lead while supporting them to learn strategies that match their profile and empowering them to use those strategies to build that fulfilled life.


describes development from the perspective of the individual, where they are and where they are headed


describes the unique ways each person takes in, regulates, responds to, and comprehends the world around them

Relationship-Based Model

describes how relationships fuel our development as social beings

Let’s help our children become the poets of their inner lives.

Dr. Stanley Greenspan

Founder of DIR


Putting DIR in Action

Floortime (also known as DIRFloortime) is an intervention that is used to promote an individual's development through a respectful, playful, joyful, and engaging process. The goal of Floortime is not to help the child with autism look neurotypical. Instead, it is to help the child function better in various environments while retaining their uniqueness.

The sessions look different for every individual because DIR tailors support to each individual's unique profile. Some sessions may be play-based, other sessions may be more conversation-based, some may take place in the community setting and others in the clinic setting. Floortime is in the interaction not the activity or place.

Interact with Others

Create meaningful communication and interactions with other people.

Learn and Play

Build off the interests and skills of the individual through engaging play.

Tools to Communicate

Work to improve efffective communication with others.

Build Independence

Focus on skills that will lead to more freedom and independence. 

Goal Improvement

Focus on goals that improve a person's quality of life.

Get Started

Our enrollment process is designed to evaluate the needs and abilities of your child to determine the best fit.

Step 1

Contact Us

We’ll provide you with a referral form to fill out. Once the form is complete, a provider will contact you with options for next steps. We currently have a waitlist for this program, but we encourage you to reserve your spot on the waitlist.

Step 2


We’ll schedule an intake meeting to get more info about your child.

Step 3


We’ll perform a diagnostic assessment (DA) to determines eligibility for EIDBI services.

Step 4

Treatment Plan

Once we complete the assessments, we can put together a treatment plan that is tailored to your child’s unique needs.

Step 5

Begin Services

We’ll start putting the treatment plan into action with your child. 
Where are EIDBI services provided?

EIDBI services can be provided in a clinic setting, home setting, school setting, community setting, and office setting.

Floortime can be done anywhere at home, in school, in the grocery store and anywhere in the community. It can be done with other children (siblings, typically developing peers, or peers with other disabilities) or just one to one with an adult. It can be done all day long during every interaction with the child. One of the wonderful aspects is that most of this is done in the everyday natural environment with the caregivers and child. With good Floortime coaching for the caregiver (parent, grandparent, teacher, paraprofessional, etc.), you do not necessarily need professionals all the time to implement an intensive intervention. The key requirement is that both you, and the child, enjoy these moments.

How much time is required?

EIDBI requires a minimum of 10 hours per week for the children enrolled in the benefit. For children up to 7 years of age the maximum amount of services they can receive is 40 hours per week. For children 7 up to age 21 years of age the maximum is 20 hours per week.

What services are provided?

A Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Evaluation (CMDE) is the first step in services. It is the assessment that determines a child’s eligibility for the EIDBI benefit. Treatment Plan Development and Progress Monitoring is the process where treatment goals are developed and plan to implement the goals is completed. Individual intervention services are one to one with the child once the treatment plan has been developed and signed. Group intervention services are services provided with up to 8 children and one provider. Family/Caregiver training is coaching for the caregivers (parents, grandparents, teacher, paraprofessionals, PCAs, siblings, etc.). Family/Caregiver training can be in individual or group settings.

How do I access these services?

Contact Empowering Kids at info@empoweringkidsperham.org or 218-346-2322 and ask for a referral form. Complete referral and return it (contact information is on the referral form). Once a referral is turned in an EIDBI staff person will contact you with the status of the referral. Because EIDBI is a medical benefit it does not interfere with any current mental health benefits the child is receiving.

Does EIDBI affect current mental health benefits?

Because EIDBI is a medical benefit it does not interfere with any current mental health benefits the child is receiving.

What is a diagnostic assessment?

A diagnostic assessment (DA) determines eligibility for mental health services by assessing the client’s current mental health status and functioning. The assessment must include report that documents the clinical and functional face-to-face evaluation of a person’s mental health. The report must include: the nature, severity and impact of behavioral difficulties, functional impairment, subjective distress and strengths and resources.

Can parents be trained in DIRFloortime?

Yes! It is highly recommended that they partake in some trainings, but it is not required. Since Floortime can be done anywhere at anytime, we encourage parents to engage with their kids whenever possible. 

Supports for Families at Home

To help promote the generalization of skills, our team creates resources periodically to help navigate certain activities. We also host fun sensory-friendly activities for members to enjoy with their families! 