Employment & Independent Living Skills

Individuals will explore career opportunities and learn soft skills to support a meaningful and fulfilling life beyond high school. 

Why independent living skills? 

Preparing for Life Beyond High School

Roughly 60 percent of people with autism have average or above-average intelligence, yet 85 percent are unemployed. Social difficulties, lack of or inconsistent transition programs, and loss of support and services after graduation make it hard for those with autism to obtain and maintain employment. 

Empowering Kids received a two-year grant and a one-year extension through the State of Minnesota to begin developing an employment program for the individuals we serve. This program includes career exploration, practice in varying employment positions, lessons on soft skills needed when working, and opportunities to develop recreational interests and abilities to enjoy them with others. Using the PAES lab, the mock apartment, and other special interest areas in our building along with community outings, individuals are exploring career interests.

Program Participants

The PAES Program is current available to individuals who are 13+ and are currently enrolled in our EIDBI program or part of the Perham Schools Employment Exploration class. We are working to expand offerings in the future.

About the PAES Lab

Practical Assessment Exploration System

PAES is a research-based, functional skills curriculum with assessments for career potential and employability skills. The lab identifies: functional skill levels, career interests, aptitude for community-based employment, and work behavior strengths/barriers to success.

Students become employees as they explore their interest in varying careers and complete sequential practical tasks to better their employment skills. There are five employment paths students are able to experience listing tasks they complete in each area and the correlating job opportunities those skills would support.

Computer Technology

  • Tasks to Engage In: Learn how to send an email, develop a PowerPoint, perform data entry
  • Real-World Correlations: Secretary, typist, postal worker

Construction / Industrial

  • Tasks to Engage In: Learn to use tools, build wood projects
  • Real-World Job Correlations: Carpenter, construction worker, drywall installer, stonemason, carpet layer, welder, auto/hardware store clerk

Consumer Service

  • Tasks to Engage In: Household and kitchen tasks
  • Real-World Job Correlations: Food service worker, butcher, barista, wait staff, chef, kitchen prep, custodian, and seamstress

Processing / Production

  • Tasks to Engage In: Matching or discarding products that do not match a standard
  • Real-World Job Correlations: Manufacturing, shipping, assembly, packaging, and order filling

Business Marketing

  • Tasks to Engage In: Alphabetizing, typing, and numerical ordering
  • Real-World Job Correlations: Cashier, data entry, clerk roles