Finding Cooper’s Voice: The Secret World of Autism Presentation

Finding Cooper’s Voice: The Secret World of Autism Presentation

Join parent and advocate, Kate Swenson, as she reflects back on her family’s journey through an autism diagnosis, early intervention and transition to school services, and the emotional toll these processes can take on a family. In this presentation, she will discuss the transformation she made as not only a parent, but as a person, and the support that parents need from professionals, family members, and those within their community to help their family adjust to this new chapter of life. 

Thursday, November 3

The Hub Auditorium at the old Perham High School

200 5th St. SE, Perham


4:30-6:30 pm | Open House

Come early to tour our Empowering Kids facility.

6 pm | Auditorium Doors Open

6:30 pm | Presentation

The Secret World of Autism

7:30 pm | Meet & Greet

Book Signing & Light Refreshments


Preregistration is requested. Click here to register.


Free will donation

With her popular blog, Finding Cooper’s Voice, bestselling author Kate Swenson has provided hope and comfort for hundreds of thousands of parents of children with autism. 

When Kate Swenson’s son, Cooper, was diagnosed with severe, nonverbal autism, her world stopped. She had always dreamed of having the perfect family life. She hadn’t signed up for life as a mother raising a child with a disability. 

At first, Kate experienced the grief of broken dreams. Then she felt the frustration and exhaustion of having to fight for your child in a world that is stacked against them. But through hard work, resilience, and personal growth, she would come to learn that Cooper wasn’t the one who needed to change. She was. And it was this transformation that led Kate to acceptance–and ultimately, joy. 

In her USA Today bestselling book, Forever boy, Kate shares her inspiring journey with honesty and compassion, offering solace and hope to others on this path and illuminating the strength and perseverance of mothers. 

COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Resources

There are many things that are uncertain at this time, and uncertainty can lead to a variety of emotions from fear to sadness to frustration. While we are experiencing this novel coronavirus, it is important to recognize our emotions and focus on things in our lives that we can control. Knowing we have some control and resources will help to ease our strong feelings. The internet is a vast source of information that can make finding the resources we want and need during this time overwhelming. 

Below are compiled resources we feel are beneficial. Families can spend their time reading, talking, and exploring together, rather than searching through the overwhelming amounts of resources available. We hope these resources provide your family with some comfort during this uncertain time. 

For Kids

The Coronavirus Free Printable

A social story about what the coronavirus is for all ages.

Coronavirus: A Bood for Children

A story for upper elementary and older aged individuals to learn more specifics on what it is, how it is transmitted, what they can do, why things are closed, and validating how they may feel. 

For Parents

How to Talk to Your Kids About Coronavirus Video

More videos available at the bottom of the page as well. 

How You and Your Kids can De-Stress During Coronavirus

A nice article to read, along with videos to watch with your kids at the bottom of the page. 

For Families

Cosmic Kids Yoga

A fun way to shift focus to movement and breathing. There are a lot of fun videos to choose from and do together as a family when needing a break. 

How You and Your Kids can De-Stress During Coronavirus

A nice article to read, along with videos to watch with your kids at the bottom of the page. 

Support Tips


Develop a New Routine


Create Visual Schedules

Create a visual schedule using pictures online or drawing them by hand. Your child may like to may this schedule with you and draw their own pictures.


Separate Spaces in Your Home

Create spaces in your home specific for certain tasks such as a homework space, play area, reading spot, etc. This will help your child associate each space with a task and better get their brains and bodies ready for work, sleep, or play.


Make Sure to Move

Incorporate times for movement throughout the day and, if possible and safe, spend some time outside.


Ask for Help

Reach out to the professionals in your life with any questions or requests for support. We are here and wanting to help. 


Make Time for Your Overall Health

To maintain positive overall health, make time for activities that keep your body, your mind, and social connections intact. Take care of your body with movement, consistent sleep schedules, and healthy foods. Take care of your mind by reading, doing puzzles, playing board games, coloring, or playing. Take care of your social life through video chats, texts, and calls to family or friends. 

Perham Area Public Library

Perham Area Public Library

We’ve partnered with the Perham Area Public Library on creating some events, visuals, and resources on how to use the library. Although the library is supportive and available at all times for individuals of all abilities, they have designated sensory-friendly hours during their regular operating hours. These hours are geared towards those individuals that are especially hesitant to attend the library and would feel more comfortable with extra visuals and supports. During this sensory-friendly time, there is an understanding atmosphere along with visual and sensory supports. Staff members have been trained in autism and will be able to support individuals with sensory needs.

Sensory Kits

Check out one of the sensory kits to make time at the library more comfortable. They are available at all times, but must be returned upon leaving the library.

Library Social Story

Read through this Going to the Library social story to help your child understand what to expect from their visit.

Sensory Friendly Hours

Every Thursday from 10am – 12pm at the Perham Public Library

Using the Computer Social Story

Read through this social story to better understand the expectations of using the computer while at the library. 

Going to a Movie

Going to a Movie

With our sensory-friendly movie coming up, we thought it would be helpful for families to read through a social story about going to a movie. Read through this as many times as you need to in order to prepare your child for a fun afternoon in the theater. Keep in mind that this event will be sensory-friendly, so we’ll have a few adaptions compared to a regular theater. The volume will be turned down and the lights will be a little brighter. Most importantly, there is a no “hush” policy. We don’t encourage talking, but we understand there may be questions throughout the film.

We hope this helps you and your family enjoy a movie outing together!

ADHD Summit Presentations

ADHD Summit Presentations

We hosted our first ADHD Summit recently, and it was a huge hit with parents. The presenters were informative and interesting, while the booth spaces provided an opportunity for personal connection. It certainly won’t be our last! We already have plans in place for an Autism Summit coming soon.

For those that we unable to attend or those that want to see the visuals again, here are the presentations of each of our great presenters. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us! 


How does ADHD affect education?

Ali Braukmann

Special Education Program Specialist for Freshwater Special Education

Pediatric Occupational Therapy

Luke VanHavermaet

OTR/L from Perham Health

Driven to Distraction

Dr. Joshua Chapman

Perham Health

Medication Use in the Treatment of ADHD

Jodie Trites

Perham Health Pharmacist

Hand-Held Visuals

Hand-Held Visuals

Here are a few visuals that you can use with your kids while you are out and about in the community or just at home. You can print these out and place them on cardstock so they can be used over and over again.