Empowering Emotions: Helping a Student Recognize Feelings in Others

Empowering Emotions: Helping a Student Recognize Feelings in Others

I want to start off by expressing my gratitude to Empowering Kids and those involved in the program. It has had a profound impact on our lives and continues to do so today.

Last year, I felt very hopeless as I struggled with my son’s high energy, lack of focus, and difficulty with emotional regulation. I found myself constantly researching and reaching out to others seeking answers as to how to help my son have a higher quality of life, rather than struggle on a daily basis. The HOTL preschool told me about Sensory Processing Disorder and Empowering Kids. This is when our world started to look bright again.

Sam started meeting with Tiffany on a weekly basis and absolutely loved it. It became the highlight of his week. I started noticing changes in him as he was more able to name what he was feeling, and we could talk about emotions. He participated in the summer program as well and got to know Chelsey, whom he just adores!

He now goes twice a week and it is honestly what he looks forward to the most each week. We talk about how he gets to “ride the black bus” and he excitedly talks about his friends that work there.

Sam has come so far since being involved with Empowering Kids. I am blown away at his emotional maturity at times and have been stopped in my tracks when he has asked me to pause when he sees me upset. He has gone from a child that blows up at the most minute obstacle, to calming down his frustrated mom by telling me, “It’s okay mom, you can get through this.” He has learned coping skills, how to better regulate his emotions, how to name his feelings, teamwork, and life skills, among many other wonderful things from the incredible friends that work at Empowering Kids. I can’t say enough great things about Christi, Tiffany, Chelsey, Heidi, Kieler, and CJ! They are amazing, compassionate, patient souls that are such a gift to the program.

I want to thank you for allowing us to be a part of Empowering Kids regardless of our financial status. I am a struggling single mom going to college full time, and your staff has made it clear to me that finances should never hinder my child from getting the services he needs to be successful.

Amanda Mitlyng, Empowered Parent

Empowering Families: The Search is Over for One Empowered Family

Empowering Families: The Search is Over for One Empowered Family

Hello. My name is Kristen Paurus and I live in Sebeka, on a small farm, with my husband William and our two beautiful daughters age 12 and 9. It is because of our oldest daughter, who is on the autism spectrum, that I first became interested in Empowering Kids.

Since she was diagnosed 8 years ago we have been on a long and exhausting search for autism-specific services in our area. There were many, many phone calls to literally every provider in the state of Minnesota. Every single phone conversation ended in some form of, “We’re really sorry but we don’t provide services in your area.”

As a parent, when your child is diagnosed with something like autism, and you know there is help out there but you can’t provide it to them, it feels like a special kind of torture. If there is one thing that I struggled with the most surrounding my daughter’s diagnoses it was the feeling that I wasn’t doing enough for her. But I didn’t give up and eventually, one agency in the cities agreed to a trial long-distance run of ABA services. Those services were short-lived however due to staffing problems and other difficulties.

When I first heard of Empowering Kids, it was the first time in a long time I was actually hopeful that we might be able to get the extra help we needed to provide our daughter with the tools she needs to thrive. We have been receiving services since July and there have already been several times that I have sent a text message to my daughter’s teacher letting her know of something awesome she just did. There have been so many little victories my daughter has already had in these last few months that I am so excited to see what she will accomplish in the future. I know that these little victories will add up to huge strides and it gives me so much hope.

Empowering Kids is providing such a great service to our local communities and I cannot wait to see the impact they have on not only my daughter’s life but the lives of all the other amazing children that walk through their doors. Thank you Empowering Kids, for not only providing this much-needed service to our local communities but for providing exceptional service. My daughter loves her lessons, her teacher, and all the extra events you put on. After 8 long years, the search is finally over.