On Monday, September 20th, Empowering Kids and the Perham Center for the Arts will host a concert featuring Tony DeBlois at the Perham High School Studio (enter main High School doors and follow the signs). The Concert will begin at 6:30 p.m. and free-will donations are very much appreciated! A huge thanks to Service Food/The Market and the Fergus Falls Center for the Arts for sponsoring this event and sharing this experience with the Perham community!
Born weighing 1 lb. 3/4 oz was only the first obstacle that Tony had to overcome. This multi-instrument musician from Randolph, MA is blind, autistic, and has Savant Syndrome. He has been playing the piano since age two. He was the subject of the 1997 CBS made-for-TV Movie of the Week “Journey of the Heart” which was inspired by actual events in Tony’s life. This is currently playing on the Hallmark Channel.
To learn more about Tony, go to https://www.tonydeblois.com.